Research Aims

Research Aims 


My research is transdisciplinary. I pursue ideas around place, network and representation. I draw on the dynamics and subtleties of what it means to operate as an individual, and collaborator within and outside networks of belonging and community in 21st century Australia.  I use these ideas as a resource; a mode and a launch pad to explore fissures and boundaries of the in-between; between here/there, digital/analogue, life/death, dreaming/waking. It is through the disruption, salvage, documentation and reconfiguration of textures, detritus, and fleeting moments experienced between these sites that I attempt to grasp the ungraspable, seeking to hold, contain and remember experience of place and sites of meaning. By doing this I intend to contribute to the rich dialogue surrounding place, networks and representation within post-colonial landscape studies.  

Part of this narrative is grounded in and informed by the design industry. This trajectory involves inclusive design and engages practical tools and methodologies with the potential to create impact for community and society. I harness media, technology and cultural practice to collaborate with co-production partners. Underpinned by ‘design for good’ and ‘design for society’. These ambitions have formed an undercurrent to my work as a design researcher and producer for the past 18 years. By working in this way, I engage stakeholders while exploring new systems hopeful to shape solutions and achieve high level client results across a range of local, national and international properties.