Worlds Ocean Conference

Worlds Ocean Conference


“Our Oceans, Our Islands, Our Future” Exhibition

Trusteeship Council Chambers, United Nations Headquarters, New York City, U.S.A.


I worked in partnership with Global Island Partnership, in New York, USA on the research, curation, production and design of an exhibition for the World’s Ocean Conference - “Our Oceans, Our Islands, Our Future” Exhibition. This was held at the Trusteeship Council Chambers, in the United Nations Headquarters, New York City, U.S.A. This project was funded by UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme and the government of Palau. This was a significant event with 191 countries involved and over 5000 delegates in attendance.

The exhibition used a unique vibrant array of photography and multimedia combined with infographics that demonstrated the impact of island countries and countries with islands toward implementation of SDG14. The exhibition demonstrated the power and leadership of islands uniting together in strong partnerships to implement Sustainable Development Goal 14 to build a resilient and sustainable future, for our oceans and for our Island Earth.